Translating product specifications


Translating product specifications

For most products, specifications such as content, composition and shelf life are included on labels or on leaflets. This also applies to information about any potential precautionary measures. It is essential, particularly for foodstuffs and medicines, that sellers and users know exactly what a product contains. In addition to the name and description of the product, and its ingredients, these specifications may also contain information on allergens, packaging, nutritional values and the shelf life. Companies operating internationally must ensure that product specifications are translated into the language of the country in question. And of course, this crucial information must be accurately translated. Working with translation agency AgroLingua, you won’t have to worry about this. Our translators are not only highly competent, but always work with the utmost precison.

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Translating product specifications: a profession in its own right

Manufactures wanting to export their products from the Netherlands also have to deal with local legal obligations and different circumstances. A literal translation of a product name on a label isn’t always possible, as this may have a different meaning in the target country and lead to some unnecessary confusion. First and foremost, it is the responsibility of the manufacturer to align the specifications with local requirements, and to achieve this, translation agency AgroLingua is happy to advise you.

It is obvious that translations of product specifications need to be extremely accurate. The translators must be familiar with legal requirements and the relevant terminology, and be simultaneously be adept at formulating instructions correctly. That’s why translation agency AgroLingua only use native speakers for the translation of product specifications, who are well aware of the requirements of the country concerned.

Translating product specifications: our method

The translators at AgroLingua translate your product specifications to and from English, or any other language, with the utmost precision. To guarantee the quality of translation, we use the following workflow:

  • We receive the product specifications intended for translation;
  • We select the translator who best suits you and your business;
  • Our translator is instructed to perform the translation;
  • As soon as the texts for the product specification are completed, they are checked by a second translator;
  • The translations are returned to you for any feedback.

  • The result is an accurate translation of a product specification that clearly conveys the information and complies with local or national requirements.

    Discover the advantages of AgroLingua for yourself

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